The Science of Tinnitus

Tinnitus Research Initiative Conference
June 10 - 12 2024 • Vancouver, Canada
A Warm Welcome
We are thrilled to return after the cancellation of TRI 2020, reinvigorated and honoured to host the first-ever TRI Conference in Canada. TRI 2024 is a momentous occasion not only for our conference series but for tinnitus and hyperacusis research worldwide, as we gather an impressive international community of scientists to collaborate.

TRI 2024 invites the global scientific community to engage in a complete, packed program exploring the diverse landscapes of tinnitus and hyperacusis research. Vibrant discussions, debates, and the exchange of ideas to improve the lives of our clients will take place over the conference’s three days as we work to bridge the gaps between research, clinical practice, and the experiences of those affected by tinnitus and hyperacusis.

We look forward to seeing you here in beautiful Vancouver, where international collaboration and transformative discussions will take center stage.
Scientific Committee
Barbara Canlon
Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Karolinska Institute, Sweden, and Editor-in-chief of Hearing Research Journal.
Victoria Duda
Assistant Professor, School of Speech Pathology and Audiology, Université de Montréal, Qc, Canada.
Philippe Fournier
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Rehabilitation Sciences, Laval University, Qc, Canada.
Arnaud J. Norena
Senior Researcher, Aix-Marseille Université, France
© Alexander Serzhantov
Experience the West Coast
Nestled on Canada's picturesque West Coast, Vancouver welcomes travellers with open arms – whether it's your first visit or a cherished return. From exploring Stanley Park's greenery, taking Alaskan cruises from its bustling port, or embarking on the scenic Rocky Mountain train journey, Vancouver promises an unforgettable summer adventure amid breathtaking natural beauty.

Our conference venue at Robson Square is nestled in the heart of downtown Vancouver, with easy access to shopping, dining, and entertainment nearby. It's a dynamic focal point for both locals and visitors seeking diverse experiences in the city. Cycle along the Seawall, savour diverse cuisine, shop along Robson Street, and much more. Vancouver's summer invites you to experience the best of the city and nature in one captivating destination.
© Divit Sharma
Registration is now open for the Tinnitus Research Initiative Conference from June 10 to 12, 2024 in Vancouver, Canada.

Regular Rate, Closes June 8th, 2024
Regular Rate
$975 CAD
On-Site Registration
$1475 CAD
Student Rate
$625 CAD
One day, June 10 only
$525 CAD
One day, June 11 only
$525 CAD
One day, June 12 only
$525 CAD
TRI 2024 Registration
Attendee Contact Information
*Registration is NOT transferable
Profession/Attendee Type
Name and Affiliation/Organization will appear on nametags.
Phone Number
Address Type
Emergency On-Site Contact (name, phone number, email)
Emergency Off-Site Contact (name, phone number, email)
Symposia Guidelines
The 2024 Tinnitus Research Initiative Annual Meeting (tri2024.com) will be held for the first time in Canada, in the vibrant city of Vancouver, June 10th-12th, under the theme The Science of Tinnitus . We are inviting proposals for symposia on topics or themes relevant to tinnitus or hyperacusis. A symposium typically gathers between 4-6 speakers and provides a well-integrated synthesis of information on a given theme. It can be structured as a series of formal talks or a moderated panel discussion, which can allow for greater audience participation. The number of symposia will be limited and each will be allocated a time of 90 minutes.

General Information
The abstracts submitted as part of a symposium will not differ from the abstracts normally submitted for the annual meeting. However, earlier submission will allow for designation of these presentations separate from the regular podium sessions. If your symposium is accepted you will still be required to submit your abstract through the TRI website by the regular deadline but we will specially designate these abstracts after submission so they are grouped together. If your symposium proposal is not accepted you will still be able to submit your individual abstracts through the normal TRI submission process.

Key differences between regular podium session and symposium
  • The topics are proposed and organized by the participants rather than by the program committee.
  • The talks are grouped by theme and not just a collection of presentations.
  • A minimum of 5 talks related to the same topic are required to create a session, with some flexibility regarding its structure.
  • To promote diversity, no more than two presentations from any one lab should be included in a session.

Proposal Format
Information that will be needed for submitting a Symposium proposal:
  • Title of the symposium (25 words max.).
  • Abstract – a brief overview of the objectives, topic to be covered, and relevance (250 words max.).
  • A one-sentence summary of the symposium (50 words max.).
  • Lead organizer (name, institutional affiliation, email address).
  • Two alternate contacts (name, institutional affiliation, email address).
  • A draft program for the symposium.
  • A list of invited speakers including their affiliation and location, the title of their presentation, and an
    indication of whether their participation is confirmed.

Evaluation Process and CRITERIA
All submitted proposals will be peer-reviewed by members of the Program Committee based on the following criteria:
  • Scientific merit, with emphasis on new research results, cutting-edge developments, novel perspectives,
    and innovative or interdisciplinary approaches
  • Clear relevance to the conference themes of Tinnitus or Hyperacusis
  • Integrated treatment of the topic, such that presentations go beyond individual case studies and
    contribute to a cohesive, overarching synthesis
  • Likelihood of a successful session, as indicated by a large proportion of confirmed speakers
  • Two alternate contacts (name, institutional affiliation, email address).
  • Submission of a complete and compelling proposal

RESPONSIBILITIES as an organizer
All symposia must have a lead organizer who serves as the primary point of contact for the ProgramCommittee.
We will also ask you to name two alternate contacts.
We will provide meeting space and onsite logistical support for all symposia. However, the conference is not able to provide any travel or accommodation assistance, registration subsidies or waivers, or any other forms of support for the organizers or individual speakers named in any of the proposals. All participants will be required to register and pay for the conference and to cover their own travel expenses.
Symposium organizers are responsible for serving as the primary point of contact with their invited speakers throughout the planning process. Organizers will need to help ensure that all of their speakers submit abstracts through the online submission form before the specified deadline, and that all of their speakers register for the conference before the deadline for presenter registration. Speakers who fail to register by this date may be excluded from the conference program. We encourage symposium organizers to proactively communicate with their speakers about any updates or changes affecting their session, such as scheduling details, cancellations, and other circumstances as they arise.

Symposia Submissions
Submissions are now closed.
© Peter Skaronis
Conference program

monday, june 10
09:00 - 10:00
The Aage Moller Distinguished Lecture On Tinnitus:
Speaker: Dr Pawel Jastreboff, Professor Emeritus at Department of Otolaryngology, Emory University School of Medicine, and Visiting Professor sine die at University College London, London, UK.
Background: This lecture award was established last year at TRI-2023 in memory of Dr Aage Moller (1932-2022), the beloved researcher, mentor and teacher at University of Texas Dallas. He was internationally regarded as a pioneer in the fields of neuroscience, cognition, neuroplasticity, and the development of an intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring. His distinguished career included numerous publications, awards and honors. Last year, this lecture was presented by Dr Jos Eggermont, At TRI-2023, this lecture was presented by Dr Jos Eggermont, Professor Emeritus, Departments of Physiology and Pharmacology, and Psychology at the University of Calgary, Alberta
As the recipient of this award, Dr Jastreboff has been invited to present this year’s lecture. The talk will focus on where Dr Jastreboff sees the future of tinnitus research, based on his own pioneering work on the Neurophysiological Model of Tinnitus and Tinnitus Retraining Therapy.
10:30 - 12:00
Chair:  Fatima Husain, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States
  1. Julia Campbell, University of Texas at Austin, Texas, USA - The hyperacusis versus misophonia controversy
  2. Dave Eddins, University of Central Florida, USA - A transitional treatment for hyperacusis
  3. Fatima Husain, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA - Electrophysiological measures of hyperacusis, misophonia and tinnitus
  4. Arnaud Norena, Aix-Marseille University, France - The putative neural mechanisms of noise-induced tinnitus and hyperacusis studied in guinea pigs (voir courriel)
  5. Fournier, P., Lessard-Dostie, H., Bigras, J., McDonald, T., Noreña, A.J., Lagacé, J., Hyperacusis and associated symptoms among conference interpreters
One Sentence Summary: The symposium will bring together experts from audiology, neuroscience, and psychology to discuss sound tolerance disorders of loudness hyperacusis and misophonia in the context of tinnitus.
Abstract: Sound tolerance disorders are often comorbid with tinnitus but are poorly understood and their impact on individuals with tinnitus is not well understood. Misophonia is a relatively newly-defined sound tolerance disorder consisting of intense emotional responses to specific sounds, or 'triggers' (Swedo et al., 2022). As a sound tolerance disorder, misophonia has a high comorbidity with tinnitus and hyperacusis (Aazh et al., 2022). In this panel, several experts spanning audiology, neuroscience, and behavioral psychology will moderate discussion on the similarities between misophonia, tinnitus, and hyperacusis, clinical differentiation between these disorders, and currently identified underlying mechanisms.
10:30 - 12:00
Oral Papers:
  • Chun-Jen Hsiao, Alexander Galazyuk - Depolarization shift in the resting membrane potential underlies hyperactivity of inferior colliculus neurons induced by an acoustic trauma.
  • Chul Ho Jang, Gwang-Won Cho, Changjong Moon , Ilyong Park - Neuroprotective Effect of Valproic Acid on Salicylate-Induced Tinnitus
  • Kyu-Yup Lee, Da-Jung Jung, Sang-Heun Lee - Study on protective effect of novel chemical compound against acquired hearing loss
  • Jinsheng Zhang, Po Hung Chiang, Paul Morse, Tasnim Arroum, Maik Huttemann - Near-Infrared (NIR) Light Treatment of Tinnitus
01:00 - 02:00
Chair: Emily McMahan, Alaska Hearing and Tinnitus Center
  1. Sven Vanneste, Trinity College Institute for Neuroscience, & School of Psychology, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland - Exploring Transcutaneous Stimulation of Peripheral Nerves as a Source of Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Effects
  2. Emily McMahan, Founder of Alaska Hearing and Tinnitus Center - A Hybrid Approach to Tinnitus Care: Utilizing Bimodal Neuromodulation
  3. Craig Kasper, Founder and Managing Director of New York Hearing Doctors – Institute for Hearing and Balance, New York, U.S.A and Brian Fligor – Co-Founder and Clinical Strategic Advisor at Lantos Technologies. President and Owner of Tobias and Battite Inc, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. - Bimodal Neuromodulation for the Treatment of Tinnitus: Real-World Clinical Outcomes & Outliers
  4. Stefan Schoisswohl, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Munich, Germany - The Effects of Combining Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation with Auditory Stimulation on Tinnitus Symptoms
  5. Milena Engelke, Universitätsklinikum Regensburg, Germany - Collecting real world evidence on tinnitus symptom dynamics through Ecological Momentary Assessment
One Sentence Summary: Speakers will present real-world clinical experience in implementing multimodal treatment for tinnitus.
Abstract: There is a rapid growth in combining various modalities for activating or modulating different networks in the brain for treating a range of neurological and psychiatric disorders. In tinnitus, multimodal treatment is not new. The efficacy of novel approaches which simultaneously activate multiple pathways to target relevant tinnitus circuits have been demonstrated in clinical trials, however, it is important to continue to investigate and collect data on these multimodal approaches as they transition into routine clinic practice and are utilized outside of the controlled environment of clinical studies. This session will provide insight into the effectiveness and safety of different multimodal approaches being implemented for tinnitus treatment during routine delivery of care, with new perspectives in treatment strategies, user customization, and patient experiences to improve therapeutic outcomes. Presentations will include discussions on leveraging different forms of transcranial electrical stimulation; the clinical implementation and outcomes of sound therapy and electrical body stimulation; the effects of non-invasive cortical stimulation and sound therapy; as well as understanding the impact of structured counselling and sound therapy on daily life.
01:00 - 01:30
Presenter:  Dr Richard Tyler, Professor, Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Communication Sciences and Disorders, The University of Iowa
Abstract: As in the clinic, it is important initially to connect with the patients and let them explain where they are at.  Before the connection, have them complete the Tinnitus Primary Functions Questionnaire to determine where they need help, and severity.   Online images can be used to help with the counseling, but the personal interaction is very important.
01:30 - 02:00
Speaker: Ms Carol Lau, Sound idEARS Hearing Clinic, Vancouver, Canada
Abstract: There are differences when running a hearing aid versus a tinnitus audiology clinic. This presentation discusses how to address these differences; the requirements to provide successful and fruitful tinnitus care; and, the engagement with other healthcare providers, clients and prospective clients.
02:00 - 02:30
Sponsor Session:
Speaker:  Steven Barad M.D., Director, Hyperacusis Research, Limited.
Abstract: Hyperacusis Research, Limited, inc. is a non-profit charity dedicated to the development of effective treatments for hyperacusis and to funding research which will eliminate the underlying mechanisms that cause hyperacusis. Our foundation is dedicated to improving the quality of life for patients who suffer from hyperacusis and hyperacusis related disorders. Central to the mission of our organization is facilitating and supporting biomedical research which will lead to novel and effective therapies for Hyperacusis. We also provide information to those individuals with Hyperacusis that may help with their understanding of this disorder through various websites and organizations affiliated with our cause. Throughout our existence we have partnered with the Hearing Health Foundation. Money raised by our organization has helped fund several scientific research projects which might one day lead us to an effective therapy. The purpose of this presentation at TRI 2024 is to familiarize the audience with our cause.
03:30 - 05:00
Oral Papers:
  • Min Young Kwak, Seung Yeon Jeo, Jung Ho Choi, Sun Seong Kang, Yong-Hwi An, Hyun Joon Shim, Personalized Neuromodulation: A Novel Strategy for Improving Tinnitus Treatment
  • Anne W. Wendrich, Kelly K.S. Assouly, Jan A. A. van Heteren, Jeroen P. M. Peters, Wilko Grolman, Robert J. Stokroos, Huib Versnel, Adriana L. Smit, Effect of cochlear implant, bone conduction device and contralateral routing of sound hearing aid on tinnitus in SSD
  • Jose Lopez Santacruz, Emile de Kleine, Pim van Dijk, Hearing aid amplification schemes adjusted to tinnitus pitch: an RCT
  • Nina Wunder, Winfried Schlee, Sex effects in sound therapy for tinnitus
  • Gianfranco C. Velasco, MD; Jaclyn Leigh E. Vidal, MD; Min Chae Jun, MD; Chan Mee Lee, MD; Jae Sang Han, MD, PhD; Jae Hyun Seo, MD, PhD; Shi Nae Park, MD, Clinical Characteristics of Cured Sensorineural Tinnitus Patients After Tinnitus Retraining Therapy - A Large Case Series
  • Dongmei Tang, Yunfeng Wang, Shan Sun, Huawei Li, Effect of modified tinnitus relieving sound (MTRS) for tinnitus treatment - a multicenter randomized clinical trial
03:00 - 05:00
Posters + Exhibition:
  • Jeon Mi Lee, Hyun Jin Lee, Gilmoon Lee and Jae-jin Song, Auditory experience, for a certain duration, is a prerequisite for tinnitus 
  • Ho Yun Lee, Seung-Ho Shin, Exploring the Origins of Decreased Sound Tolerance in Tinnitus Patients
  • Sang Hoon Kim, Association between tinnitus and inflammatory bowel disease: A national cohort study 
  • Jiwon Kwak, Soo Jeong Choi, Jiwon Chang, Gi Jung Im, Euyhyun Park, Is Zinc Deficiency a Risk Factor for Tinnitus? : An Analysis from Chronic Idiopathic Tinnitus Patients with Normal Hearing
  • Jae Sang Han, Minho Lee, Hyeon-Chun Park, So Young Park, Yeun-Jun Chung, Shi Nae Park, Identification of SNPs Associated with Chronic Sensorineural Tinnitus in the Korean Population
  • Sneha Uttakalika 1 , Manya Fangaria , Ashwini Tidole 2 , Kamalakannan Karupaiah 3 , Prashanth Prabhu, Prevalence of somatosensory tinnitus in individuals with tinnitus
  • Sneha Uttakalika, Diya ES Dinesh, Abhishek Jain, Kajal Bhatiwal, Suman Penwal, Prevalence of hyperacusis and misophonia among individuals with tinnitus
  • June Choi, Hong Jin Kim, Ye Hwan Lee, Young Han Chung, Kang Hyeon Lim, Sang Yeop Kim, Yong Jun Jeong, Analysis of auditory brain stem response and otoacoustic emission in unilateral tinnitus patients with normal hearing
  • Fournier, P., Valentin, O., Z., Walsh, Z., Zendel, B.R. & Lehmann, A., Association between cannabis and tinnitus: could loud music listening under cannabis influence be the missing link?
  • Cosima F. Lukas, Paul Wilknitz, Prof. Dr. Orlando Guntinas-Lichius, Dr. Daniela Ivansic, Prof. Dr. Christian Dobel, Prof. Dr. Manuela Nowotny, Occupational noise exposure: Early audiological and physiological signs of noise- induced hearing loss and mental health
  • Kritika Nayyar, Sweety Chauhan, Neha Surkund, Swaham Mohanty, Kajal Bhatiwal, Suman Penwal, Kamalakannan Karupaiah, Prashanth Prabhu, Prevalence of misokinesia and misophonia among adult population in India
  • Claudia Barros Coelho, Sodriane D'Avila, Sabrina Magalhães, Richard Tyler, Percutaneous Electroneurostimulation (PENS) as a Novel Treatment for TTTS: Insights from a Focused Two-Case Study
  • Anusha Yasoda-Mohan, Katy Tobin, Iracema Leroi1, Brian Lawlor & Sven Vanneste, Investigating the longitudinal relationship between tinnitus and cognitive decline.

tuesday, june 11
08:00 - 09:00
Opening Session:
Speaker: Richard S. Tyler, Ph.D., Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery and Communication Sciences and Disorders, Iowa City, IA, The University of Iowa
Abstract: In the Clinic, measuring tinnitus helps the patient understand it is real, and distinguishes the 1) Tinnitus from the 2) Reactions to Tinnitus (The Psychological Model). Loudness and pitch ratings are straightforward, and masking the tinnitus can be useful for directing sound therapy. The Tinnitus Primary Functions Questionnaire determines which areas are needed for counseling….1) Thoughts and Emotions, 2) Hearing, 3) Sleep and/or 4) Concentration, in Tinnitus Activities Treatment. There are many subtypes of tinnitus, that are evident when measuring masking, post-masking effects, and post-masking recovery. There is now a greater appreciation that there are different subgroups of tinnitus patients, and the careful selection of subgroups needed to be applied to drug and other treatment trials.
09:00 - 10:00
Round Table:
Moderator: Dr Philippe Fournier
Panellists: Panel: Myrian Westcott, Fatima Husain, Julia Campbell, David Eddins, Sylvie Hébert
Publications about hyperacusis and other sound tolerance disorders have grown exponentially in the last decade. Unfortunately, the definitions, criteria, and tools for diagnosis and management are still scarce. In this round table, experts will share their experience with patients presenting with such symptoms and how they proceed to study, diagnose and manage them. Attendees will be invited to join the discussion and ask questions.
09:00 - 10:00
Oral Papers:
  • Bérangère Villatte, Alain Vinet, Sayeed Devraj-Kizuk, Sylvie Hébert, A study on stress reactivity under acute stress and noise exposure in tinnitus individuals
  • Kurt Steinmetzger, Benjamin Boecking, Petra Brueggemann, Laura Basso, Matthias Rose, Birgit Mazurek, Eva M. J. Peters, Angiotensin II and -(1–7) concentrations in human hair samples reflect the degree of tinnitus-related distress
  • Licia Sayuri Tanaka, Luciana Lozza de Moraes Marchior, Daiane de Almeida Soares Ciquinato, Denilson deCastro Teixeira, Glória de Moraes Marchiori, Braulio Henrique Magnani Branco, Regina Célia Poli-Frederico, Comparative study of Tumor Necrosis Factor Alfa (TNF-α) and impact of Tinnitus on the quality of life of older adults
  • Shagun Ajmera, Ivan Abraham, Fatima Husain, Harmonizing resting state functional MRI data to find markers of tinnitus in brain connectivity using deep learning
10:30 - 12:00
Chair: Hazel Goedhart, Tinnitus Hub, The Netherlands
  1. Hazel Goedhart, Tinnitus Hub, the Netherlands - Outcome measures that tinnitus patients care about
  2. Inge Stegeman, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands - Outcome measures in tinnitus research: the methodological perspective
  3. Adriana Smit, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands - Tinnitus outcome measure; what it brought us, where it leaves us in tinnitus care.
  4. Joel Berger, University of Iowa, USA - The potential for objective testing of tinnitus in humans.
  5. Laura Basso, University Hospital Regensburg, Germany - The 83 Symptoms of Tinnitus: Content Overlap of Commonly Used Scales for Tinnitus Distress
One Sentence Summary: The development of a new set of outcome measures – which are statistically rigorous, transparent, and reflect patient expectations – is required to meaningfully assess the success of tinnitus trials and interventions.
Abstract: Most clinical trials for tinnitus use the Tinnitus Functional Index (TFI) or Tinnitus Handicap Inventory (THI) to measure success. Both of these are standardized questionnaires taken at various points before, during, and after an intervention. But how reliable and valid are these metrics as outcome measures? What are the right and wrong applications of these metrics? And what do they truly represent in terms of patient outcomes in the real world? Specifically, some of the downsides of using the TFI/THI are: - From a statistical perspective, TFI/THI should be used to determine sample sizes, not necessarily to measure improvement. - Thresholds for 'clinical significance' do not reflect a sizable improvement and thus can lead to misleading communication and marketing of trial results. - Certain aspects of tinnitus that patients care about, such as the variability of one's tinnitus, are not reflected in the TFI/THI. - We know from patient engagement (e.g. surveys) that patients expect a tinnitus intervention to reduce the loudness of their tinnitus. Continuing use of the TFI/THI, which mostly reflect distress, detracts from the need to target and measure loudness reduction. - It is questionable, overall, whether TFI/THI meaningfully reflect patient improvement, vis-à-vis for instance simply asking the patient "how much did this intervention help you?" In sum, the development of a new set of outcome measures is required to meaningfully assess the success of tinnitus trials and interventions. These outcome measures need to be statistically rigorous, transparent, and reflect patient expectations.
10:30 - 12:00
Oral Papers:
  • Mie Lærkegård Jørgensen,Torsten Dau, Tinnitus subgroups based on supra-threshold hearing characteristics
  • Tanit Sanchez, Long term total remission of tinnitus: fact or myth?
  • Gianfranco Velasco, Hyun Jae Cho, Young Jun Seo, Ji Hyung Lim, Jae Sang Han, Jae Hyun Seo, Shi Nae Park, The Size Analysis of Stapedius and Tensor Tympani Muscles in CT scan in Patients with Middle Ear Myoclonic Tinnitus
  • Cosima F. Lukas, Daniela Ivansic, Gerlind Schneider, Orlando Guntinas-Lichius, Christian Dobel, Short and sweet: Long-lasting therapy success after interdisciplinary tinnitus treatment - a 5-year follow-up study
  • Phil Gander, What is the role of the hippocampus and parahippocampal gyrus in the persistence of tinnitus?
10:30 - 12:00
Oral Papers:
  • Nicole M. Cancelliere, Gurnish Sidora, Zainab Hussain, David Steinman, Vitor Mendes Pereira, Utilization of Transcanal Recordings for Objectification of Pulsatile Tinnitus
  • Gurnish Sidora, Nicole Cancelliere, Anna Haley, Vitor Mendes Pereira, David Steinman, Understanding the Sound Production Mechanism of Pulsatile Tinnitus Using Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Minakshi Gupta, Yatin Mahajan, Pulsatile Tinnitus: A case report of assessment and management
  • Jae‐Hyun Seo, Jae Sang Han, Shi Nae Park, The Application of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emission for the objective measurement of Vascular Pulsatile Tinnitus
  • Dave Korotkov - Living with Pulsatile Tinnitus: A Self-Narrative Using McAdam’s Levels of Personality Model
  • Yoonjai Lee, Won Jun Noh, Jae-Jin Song, Forest for the Trees: Preliminary results of novel sigmoid sinus resurfacing in subjects with sigmoid sinus dehiscence and adjacent broad-based diverticulum
01:00 - 02:00
Afternoon Session:
Speaker: Dr Dirk de Ridder, Professor of Neurosurgery at the Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago in New Zealand and co-runs a private neuromodulation clinic in Belgium
Abstract: Traditional evidence-based approaches have so far failed to develop any FDA or CE approved treatments after many years of tinnitus research. Thus, a new strategy is required.
Can we learn from the concept of war to develop better tinnitus treatments? In combined arms warfare the complementary strengths of the air force, ground troops and navy are used in concert to exert a maximal effect. Translating combined arms tactics to tinnitus we should adapt a multimodal approach. This means combining different ways to attack tinnitus, a combination of auditory, pharmacological, neuromodulatory, and psychology approaches, rather than limiting oneself to a unimodal approach. And within each modality multiple approaches may be combined, for example medication cocktails, hearing aids plus sound therapy, electrical stimulation combined with magnetic plus light-based neuromodulation. The pharmacological approach has been proven highly successful in fighting AIDS. By using 4 different drugs that each work on a different mechanism survival has increased from 5 years with 1 drug, to 20 years with 2, 40 with 3 and a normal life expectancy with 4 drugs.
The war on tinnitus concept leads to many novel multimodal treatment possibilities that need to be explored scientifically and clinically, in order to finally silence tinnitus.
02:00 - 03:00
Oral Papers:
  • Charlotte Bigras, Victoria Duda, Sylvie Hébert, Exploring the Multidimensional Nature of Loudness Perception
  • Namitha Jain, Shagun Ajmera, Gibbeum Kim, Howard Berenbaum, Fatima T Husain, Auditory Emotion Processing in Hyperacusis and Misophonia: A Comprehensive Behavioral and fMRI Study 
  • Philippe Fournier, Pierre Bourez, Claudia Côté, Arnaud J. Noreña, Loudness and affective responses to natural sounds in hyperacusis
  • Pierre Bourez, Guillaume T. Vallet, Nathalie Gosselin, François Bergeron, Philippe Fournier, Experimentally measuring the functional impact of noisy environments on individuals with and without hyperacusis
02:30 - 03:00
Speaker: Dr Arnaud Norena, Aix-Marseille University, France, Ms Myriam Westcott, DWM Audiology
Abstract (Arnaud Norena): In this presentation, I will present the hypothesis, as well as the data collected in patients, suggesting that the middle ear (especially the middle ear muscles) and the multimodal plasticity can account for specific sub- types of tinnitus and hyperacusis.  I will also present the tools and approaches that can be used to assess the middle ear function, including a sensor pressure device that we have developed to objectify the tensor tympani contraction.
Abstract (Myriam Westcott): I will present a clinical perspective with case studies on the role of Tensor Tympani Syndrome (TTS) in hyperacusis and tinnitus patients. TTS symptoms have been associated with acoustic shock, are prevalent in most hyperacusis patients but also in tinnitus patients, and can frequently be sound-induced. The presentation, evaluation and effective treatment of TTS symptoms in a clinical setting has revealed insights into TTS triggers, the underlying somatic, neurological and psychological pathways and more broadly into hyperacusis mechanisms and tinnitus reactivity. This highlights the importance of TTS diagnosis and treatment, and the therapeutic benefit of identifying and demystifying the associated pathways.
03:30 - 05:00
Oral Papers:
  • Grant D Searchfield, There is where I hear tinnitus. 
  • Mehdi Abouzari, Hamid R. Djalilian, Migraine Enhances Tinnitus Perception Leading to Loud Tinnitus
  • Jen-Tsung Lai, Cochlear Migraine: A new concept to treat tinnitus
  • Wrzosek, M,, Gil, M.,Klemens, W., Puzio, A., Józefowicz-Korczyńska, M., Relation between dominant time perspectives and tinnitus annoyance
  • Inge Stegema, Prediction models in tinnitus research: how we do it, and what we need to create impact
  • Benjamin Boecking, Kurt Steinmetzger, Birgit Mazurek, A schema mode-model approach for understanding chronic tinnitus-related distress
03:00 - 05:00
Posters + Exhibition:
  • Ho Yun Lee, Seung-Ho Shin, Oak-Sung Choo, Jae Yong Byun, Jae Ho Chung, Analysis of Loudness Discomfort Level Tests in Tinnitus Patients
  • Dave Korotkov, Tinnitus Distress and the Steeling/Sensitization Hypotheses: A Secondary
  • Andréia Aparecida de Azevedo, Ricardo Rodrigues Figueiredo, Eliana Ferreira Vilela, Jeanne Oiticica, correlation between tinnitus severity and the big five personality traits
  • Sung Il Cho, Mohammad Mokhatrish, Wonyong Baek, Gi-Sung Nam, Tinnitus characteristics in patients with idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss and acute tinnitus
  • Min Young Kwak, Yong Tae Cho, Yong-Hwi An, Hyun Joon Shim, Relation of Sound Level Tolerance to Tinnitus in Human: A Comparative Analysis of Unilateral, Bilateral, and Control Groups
  • Bourez, P.H. Vallet, Guillaume, T., Fournier, P., Improving audiology student training by clinical simulation of tinnitus: a glimpse of tinnitus lived experience
  • Denise Fuchten, Kelly K.S. Assouly, Inge Stegeman, Adriana L. Smit, An ICF based content analysis of the overlap between tinnitus and depression questionnaires
  • Eun Bit Bae, Low hearing frequency affecting hearing device use
  • Lieber Po-Hung Li, Cheng-Ta Li, Jen-Chuen Hsieh, Steady-state auditory evoked fields reflect long-term effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in tinnitus
  • Glória de Moraes Marchiori, Licia Sayuri Tanaka, Victor Augusto Santos Perli, Luciana Lozza de Moraes Marchiori, Braulio Henrique Magnani Branco, Comparative study of olfactory and otoneurological symptoms among people post COVID-19
  • Luciana Lozza de Moraes Marchiori, Licia Sayuri Tanaka, Daiane de Almeida Soares Ciquinato, Glória de Moraes Marchiori, Braulio Henrique Magnani Branco, Analysis between subjective sleep quality and level of intensity of the tinnitus in people post COVID-19
  • Shi Nae Park, Min Chae Jeon, Chan Mee Lee, Jae Sang Han, Jae Hyng Seo, Clinical Management of Myoclonic Tinnitus for A Cure: From Botox Injection to Surgery
  • Kyu-Yup Lee, Da-Jung Jung,Sang-Heun Lee, Study on protective effect of novel chemical compound against acquired hearing loss
  • Khodayar Goshtasbi, Mehdi Abouzari, Pooya Khosravi, Adwight Risbud, Elaine C. Martin, Hamid R. Djalilian, Smartphone-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Customized Sound Therapy for Tinnitus: A Randomized Controlled Trial

wednesday, june 12
08:00 - 09:00
Opening Session:
Chair: Dr Sylvie Hébert, Professor and Program Director of Audiology, Université de Montréal
Summary: Individuals with tinnitus often report that their tinnitus has been triggered by stress or that it is modulated by it. The evidence supporting these self-reports, however, is not very strong. In this talk, I will present an overview of the study findings on stress and tinnitus. More specifically, I will concentrate on the physiological correlates of stress, that is, the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) and the Autonomic Nervous System. I will also present some new work from the laboratory that aims to expand the way the relationship between stress and tinnitus is studied
09:00 - 10:00
Oral Papers:
  • Victoria Duda, Brandon Paul, Boutheina Jemel, Sylvie Hébert, Cortical Responses to Tinnitus-Like Stimuli: Electrophysiological Insights
  • Emilie Cardon, Fien Aben, Laure Jacquemin, Vincent Van Rompaey, Marc J.W. Lammers, Olivier M.Vanderveken, Annick Gilles, P300 latency correlates with subjective tinnitus severity on a between-subjectand within-subject basis
09:00 - 09:30
Speaker: Dr Margaret Jastreboff
Abstract: This workshop will summarize the foundation and method of misophonia treatment in conjunction with tinnitus based on the neurophysiological model of tinnitus.  General rules of an assessment, main points explained to patients and everyday challenges to consider in the treatment of tinnitus, hyperacusis and misophonia will be discussed.
09:30 - 10:00
Oral Papers:
  • Hobeika, L, M.Roy, M. Fillingim, A.Londero, E.Vachon-Presseau, S.Samson, Socio-demographic, psychological, and health factors in tinnitus: predictorsof awareness and distress across nine years
  • Denise Fuchten, Inge Stegeman, Yinan Mao, Robert H. Eikelboom, Adriana L. Smit, Risk factors for the development of tinnitus and change of impact – Results from the Busselton Healthy Ageing Study
  • Eun Bit Bae, What next after tinnitus? Based on a 10-year Korea National Health andNutrition Examination Survey (2008-2018)
09:30 - 10:00
Sponsorship Session:
Speaker: Dr Allison Treseder (AuD), Head of Partnerships, Neosensory Inc.
Abstract: Learn more about Neosensory's ground breaking bimodal solution for tinnitus as we dive into the latest research and clinical protocols as well as how to identify candidates, and to leverage all our solutions to treat hearing loss and tinnitus in a clinical setting.
10:30 - 12:00
Chair: Sarah Michiels, Hasselt University, Belgium
  1. Mr. Robin Guillard, University of Grenoble Alpes, France - Tinnitus, dreams and awakening: new insights and theoretical implications
  2. Mr. Antonios Chalimourdas, Hasselt University, Belgium - Can Physical Activity Decrease the Tinnitus Severity? - A Longitudinal Observational Study 
  3. Ms. Sara Demoen, Hasselt University, Belgium - Health-related Quality of life in patients with somatic tinnitus: A cross sectional study 
  4. Dr. Annemarie van der Wal, ACTA Academic Center for Dentistry, Amsterdam, The Netherlands - The effect of orofacial treatment on tinnitus complaints in patients with somatosensory tinnitus 
  5. Prof. dr. Tanit Ganz Sanchez, University of Sao Paulo, ENT Department, School of Medicine, Brazil - Somatosensory tinnitus: who gets total remission?
One Sentence Summary: The symposium will bring together experts from audiology, neuroscience, and psychology to discuss sound tolerance disorders of loudness hyperacusis and misophonia in the context of tinnitus.
Abstract: Science shows us that several physical symptoms or dysfunctions may be present in patients with tinnitus. In this symposium, we aim to give a broad view of which physical symptoms might influence patients' tinnitus and how we can treat them. Because physical symptoms are very common, also in people without tinnitus, the second aim of this symposium is to give insight into the prevalence of a series of physical symptoms in a tinnitus population compared to the general population. Treatment of the cervical spine or temporomandibular area is possible in many different ways and can have a positive effect on tinnitus severity. Therefore, the third aim of this symposium is to give insight into different therapies that can be applied in patients with somatosensory tinnitus and to show the effectiveness of these therapies on patients' tinnitus severity. The other way around, we know several patients with somatosensory tinnitus who were cured of their tinnitus after cervical spine or temporomandibular treatment. The final goal of this symposium is to present the characteristics of these patients and the type of treatment that provided succor.
10:30 - 11:00
Sponsorship Session:
Speaker: Lia Best Au.D., R.AUD, R.HIP. Aud(C), Audiology Field Trainer Oticon Canada
Abstract: Oticon has been at the forefront of integrating tinnitus sound support into its diverse range of hearing aid models since 2014. This workshop aims to illuminate the advanced features embedded within Oticon's Tinnitus Sound Support. Participants will also gain insight into the comprehensive suite of resources developed to empower both clinicians and patients in the effective management of tinnitus. This workshop will explore Tinnitus Sound Support in the Genie 2.0 programming software. Attendees will receive guidance in navigating the software's capabilities, specifically focusing on the customization of tinnitus relief sounds. With four broadband noises and three calming, ocean-like sounds, clinicians can fine-tune these options to suit the individual needs of each patient, fostering a personalized and effective intervention for ear-level sound support. There will also be a demonstration of Oticon's innovative Companion App, which puts some control directly in the hands of users. Participants will discover how this user-friendly app enables real-time adjustments, providing individuals with the flexibility to tailor their tinnitus relief sounds on the go. By the end of this workshop, participants will leave with a deepened understanding of Oticon's Tinnitus Sound Support, proficiency in using the Genie 2.0 programming software, and insights into leveraging the Companion App for enhanced user experiences. They will also be provided hardcopies of clinician and patient tinnitus management resources. Oticon's commitment to empowering clinicians and patients in the realm of tinnitus management will be evident through this engaging and informative session.
11:00 - 11:30
Sponsorship Session:
Speaker: Tish Ramirez, Au.D., Global Commercialization Officer, Neuromod USA, Inc.
Abstract: Tinnitus, a common global health issue affecting life quality and mental well-being, has a new solution: Lenire. This at-home device, the first to receive FDA approval for tinnitus treatment, uses bimodal neuromodulation to alleviate symptoms. Following a large-scale, FDA-compliant clinical trial where 83% of participants recommended it, Lenire has shown consistent positive outcomes in both clinical and real-world settings, marking a significant advancement in tinnitus treatment.
Learner Objectives (3):
  1. Attendees will be able to explain the concept of bimodal neuromodulation as it relates to tinnitus treatment.
  2. Attendees will be able to summarize results of clinical trials demonstrating use of bimodal neuromodulation to treat tinnitus.
  3. Attendees will be able to summarize real-world results with the Lenire tinnitus treatment device.
11:30 - 12:00
Sponsorship Session:
Speaker: Jinsheng Zhang and Patrick Lynch, American Tinnitus Association (ATA)
Summary: Since 1971, ATA has been dedicated to raising awareness of tinnitus patient struggles and improving patient outcomes by funding research and improving access to healthcare professionals proficient in tinnitus management. This presentation delves into ATA research grant opportunities for investigators pioneering novel research areas, and resources for clinicians seeking to improve their clinical expertise in tinnitus patient care.
02:00 - 02:45
Oral Papers:
Pete Vernezze, The effectiveness of a 6-week live, online mindfulness-based intervention for tinnitus distress
Adriana L Smit, Comparison of clinical practice guidelines regarding treatment recommendations for chronic tinnitus in adults
02:00 - 02:45
Oral Papers:
Grace Conchas, Yezihalem Mesfin, Abigail Heiller, Yuan He, Ali Stockness, Hubert H.Lim, Meredith E. Adams, Peggy Nelson, Pilot Tinnitus Study Investigating Bimodal Neuromodulation with Virtual Sessions and Additional User- Controlled Settings
Ann Perreau, Rich Tyler - Acceptability and Effectiveness of Remote Counseling for Tinnitus
Jason Zhang, Pranavi Sammidi, Brandon Nie, Bryan Nie, Kaibao Nie, Development and Testing of Online Sound Therapy Platform
03:30 - 04:30
Round Table:
Facilitator: Dr Philippe Fournier
Panellists: TBA
Since tinnitus is a symptom that can arise from different etiologies (e.g., noise trauma, aging, brain injury), in this session experts will discuss whether there is enough evidence to distinguish subtypes of tinnitus, and why it would be wise to do so. Different point of views from both clinicians and researchers will be presented and the attendees will be invited to join the discussion and ask questions.
03:30 - 04:30
Oral Papers:
  • Max Scheepers, Elke Devocht, Erwin George, Assessing Listening Effort in disRuptive Tinnitus (the ALERT study)
  • Sarah Van Genuchten, Annick Gilles, Griet Mertens, Ellen Andries, Emilie Cardon, Vincent VanRompaey, Marc J.W. Lammers, Olivier M. Vanderveken, Laure Jacquemin, Tinnitus suppression by means of cochlear implantation: does it affect cognition?
  • Patrick Neff, Nick Sommerhalder, Zbynek Bureš, Oliver Profant, Tobias Kleinjung, Martin Meyer, Speech Comprehension and Executive Dysfunction in Tinnitus
  • Lise Hobeika, Anna Skrzatek, Sophie Dupont, Alain Londero, Séverine Samson, A comprehensive evaluation of attentional and executive functions deficits linked to tinnitus

Program and Speaker Schedule

Community Conference Roundup, Wednesday, June 12th

© Nicolas Savignat
Travel + Tourism

Event Location
Robson Square
800 Robson Street,
Vancouver, BC, V6E 1A7
Contact Us
Vancouver Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Clinic
Business Number: 868162389